
每日外刊 | “高跟鞋指数”能预测经济增长吗?

子曰汉硕刘老师 发表于 2021-9-16 16:49:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题

高跟鞋是女人的武器,穿上它靓丽而出彩,气场高级霸气,散发着时髦的魅力。本月早些时候,Lady Gaga高调出街,穿紧身吊带裙身姿曼妙,高跟鞋像是“踩高跷”。美国IBM全球商业服务部门对数十年有关女性鞋子的流行趋势进行了分析。结果发现,当经济不景气、波动较大的时期,追求时髦的女性通常会选择鞋跟很高、看上去鲜亮惹眼的鞋子,比如高跟鞋、松糕鞋等。在20世纪的经济大萧条和石油危机时期,它们几乎几度取代低跟凉鞋、平底公主鞋成为主流。而在经济平稳、生活较安逸的时候,人们则更愿意选择舒服的低跟鞋。来自International Business Machines的消费品专家Trevor Davis称根据他对石油危机、网络泡沫期等研究,他发现通常在经济不好的情况下,高跟鞋就会开始流行,经济越低迷,鞋跟越高。出现这样的情况是因为消费者想通过购买奢侈品来逃离现实,为自己营造想象空间。


Can the ‘high heel index’ predict economic growth?

You will have heard of the hemline index. It was first theorised in 1926 by the economist George Taylor, and stated that skirts get shorter during times of financial prosperity and longer in a recession. But could a parallel theory work for women’s shoes? As we approach an era of Covid measures relaxing and spending gradually increasing, can the height of your heels be a good economic predictor of a boom or bust era?

我猜你们应该已经听说过裙摆理论了。1926年,经济学家乔治·泰勒(George Taylor)最早提出了这一理论,他指出,在经济繁荣时期,女人们穿的裙子通常更短,在经济衰退时期,则会选择较长的裙子。不过,同样的理论也适用于女鞋吗?随着新冠疫情管控措施的放宽,消费也在逐渐回暖,鞋跟的高度能否很好地预示经济的繁荣或萧条呢?

The exaggerated heel has been trending (a possible harbinger for the so-called roaring 20s) while the hashtag #pleaserheels (named after the high-arched shoe) has had more than 118m views on TikTok. At the weekend, Beyoncé paired a black Versace dress with barbie pink jacket and matching pair of super heeled shoes. Earlier in the month, Lady Gaga wore some baby blue body-con athleisure with some extreme platform heels.

夸张的高跟鞋已经成为潮流趋势(这可能是所谓“咆哮的20年代”的前兆),同时#Pleaser高跟鞋(源于恨天高)的标签在TikTok上的点击量已经超过1.18亿。这周末,碧昂斯(Beyoncé)身着黑色范思哲连衣裙、搭配了一件芭比粉夹克和超高的高跟鞋。本月早些时候,Lady Gaga身穿淡蓝色紧身运动衣,搭配了一双超厚防水台高跟鞋。

Trevor Davis, a former consumer products expert at IBM, came up with a theory that matched heel length with economic upturns. “The index worked by analysing social media and other online sources for influencer and consumer references to shoes and boots where there was either a specific height of heel mentioned, like ‘four inches’ or a phrase that could be equated easily to a height,” he says. “We then correlated that with a variety of indicators of economic performance to get the index.” He says the data revealed that when economic indicators turned down the heel height initially went up, but if the economy remained in a recession state for more than a few months then heel heights went down.

IBM前消费品专家特雷弗•戴维斯(Trevor Davis)提出了一个理论,认为鞋跟高度与经济复苏是相对应的。他说道:“为了得出这项指标,我们通过各大社交媒体和其他网络资源,分析各大网红及消费者提及鞋子或靴子时的鞋跟高度数据,比如‘4英寸’这种具体高度,或是直接反应鞋跟高度的其他说法,” “然后,我们将这些数据和各种经济指标关联起来,最后得出了这个指数。” 他说,数据显示,每逢经济下滑,鞋跟高度最初都会增高,但如果经济持续几个月处于低迷状态,那么鞋跟高度就会下降。


  • index/ˈɪndeks/ n. 指数;索引;指标;指针;
  • will + have + done 将来完成时,表示推测;相当于"must have done";
  • hemline/ˈhemlaɪn/ n. 底边;底缘;裙摆;
  • theorise/ˈθɪəraɪz/ vi. 建立理论;使理论化;
  • prosperity/prɑːˈsperəti/ n. 幸运; 顺利;兴旺;繁荣;
  • recession/rɪˈseʃn/ n. 经济衰退;不景气;后退;撤退;撤回;
  • parallel/ˈpærəlel/ adj. 平行的;类似的;相同的;
  • era/ˈɪrə/ n. 时代;年代;纪元;
  • relax/rɪˈlæks/ v. (使)轻松;(使)松弛;放宽;
  • heel/hiːl/ n. 鞋跟;(鞋、靴子等的)后跟;
  • boom/buːm/ n. 繁荣;隆隆声;吊杆;
  • bust/bʌst/ n. 萧条;破产;半身像;胸部;
  • exaggerated/ɪɡˈzædʒəreɪtɪd/ adj. 夸张的;言过其实的;
  • trending/ˈtrendɪŋ/ n. [统计] 趋势;
  • harbinger/ˈhɑːrbɪndʒər/ n. 预言者;预兆;
  • so-called/ˌsoʊ ˈkɔːld/ adj. 所谓的;号称的;
  • roaring/ˈrɔːrɪŋ/ adj. 咆哮的;喧闹的;兴旺的;狂风暴雨的;
  • hashtag/ˈhæʃtæɡ/ n. 标签;
  • be named after 以…来命名;
  • arched/ɑːtʃt/ adj. 有拱的;拱形的;弓形结构的;(arch的过去分词形式);
  • pair/per/ vt. (使…)成对;(使…)成双;交配;交尾;
  • body-con adj. (服装)紧身的;修身的;
  • athleisure/æθˈleʒ.ər/ n. 运动休闲;
  • platform heels 松糕鞋;厚底鞋;防水台鞋;
  • consumer/kənˈsuːmər/ n. 用户;顾客;消费者;
  • come up with 提出;想出;追上;找出;
  • match…with… 使…与…相配;使…与…相对应;
  • upturn/ˈʌptɜːrn/ n. 情况好转;
  • influencer/ˈɪnfluənsə(r)/ n. 影响力;影响者;人物;意见领袖;有影响力的人;
  • reference/ˈrefrəns/ n. 提及;涉及;参考;查阅;引文;参考书目;
  • four inches 4 英寸=10.16 厘米;
  • phrase/freɪz/ n. 短语;词组;成语;说法;简洁的语句;警句;
  • equate/ɪˈkweɪt/ vt. 认为某事物(与另一事物)相等或相仿; 相当于;等于;把(一事物) 和(另一事物)等同看待;
  • correlate…with… 使…与…发生关系;找出…与…对应的关系;
  • turn down 减小;关小;调低;拒绝;
  • initially/ɪˈnɪʃəli/ adv. 开始;最初;

文本选自:The Guardian(卫报)
作者:Priya Elan
原文发布时间:31 Aug. 2021

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.


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