
外刊阅读| 疫情下濒临崩溃的岛国(上)

子曰汉硕刘老师 发表于 2021-8-16 14:19:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
本帖最后由 子曰汉硕刘老师 于 2021-8-16 14:22 编辑

Remote and pristine, the tiny island nations of the Pacific are often the object of apocalypse-proofing fantasies. But if you think they are in any state to ride out covid-19, dream on.


Many Pacific jurisdictions have thrown up barriers to the new coronavirus. In late January the Federated States of Micronesia banned entry to travellers from countries with confirmed cases. The Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Tonga and Vanuatu have banned cruise ships. Anyone coming to Samoa has had to produce a medical certificate. In early March the Marshall Islands sealed itself off, banning all inbound visitors. Even supply vessels must wait 14 days at sea before berthing.


The economic cost will be devastating. The island states import nearly everything. Moreover, tourism is the main earner for many. Fiji had a full-blown fiscal crisis even before empty hotels removed a big source of revenue. The Northern Marianas, an American territory, relies on vanished visitors from China, Japan and South Korea. Writing to President Donald Trump for help, the governor warned of the “unequivocal and complete collapse of the foundations of our private sector”.

(岛国所付出的)经济代价将是毁灭性的。这些岛国几乎所有的物资都依赖进口。此外,旅游业是许多国家的主要收入来源。斐济甚至在其重要的收入来源——酒店业萧条之前,就已经经历了一场全面的财政危机。美国的北马里亚纳群岛(Northern Marianas),(其经济)主要依赖于来自中国、日本和韩国的游客,但是这批游客受疫情的影响已经放弃出行。州长在写给美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的求助信中,警告称,“我们民营经济的基础正在毫无疑问地彻底崩溃”。

If the measures kept the coronavirus at bay, they might be worth it. But they won’t. Already, five cases have been confirmed in Guam, five in French Polynesia (including a returning member of France’s National Assembly), two in New Caledonia and one in Fiji. One is suspected in PNG. Testing facilities barely exist in the South Pacific—samples are sent to Australia or New Zealand—although Fiji has raced to set one up.


The coronavirus has many routes to spread. PNG, the region’s most populous state, has a porous border with Australia, just across the Torres Strait, and a land border with Indonesia. It is trying to seal the sea-lanes to the nearby Solomon Islands. Tuvalu and Kiribati are among the tiniest, most isolated states in the world, yet many of their menfolk work as seafarers, with a history of carrying infectious diseases home. Half of the populations of Samoa and Tonga are abroad, many in infected countries. There are more possible vectors than isolated atolls.

新型冠状病毒有很多传播途径。巴布亚新几内亚是该地区人口最多的岛国,与位于托雷斯海峡(Torres Strait)对面的澳大利亚隔海相望,与印度尼西亚拥有陆地边界。它试图封锁通往附近所罗门群岛的航道。图瓦卢和基里巴斯是世界上最小、最孤立的国家之一,这些国家的许多男性劳动力的职业都是海员,曾有把传染病带回家的历史。萨摩亚和汤加一半的人口在国外,许多还在已有确诊病例的国家。携带病毒的传染源可能比孤立的环礁还要多。

1. pristine
英 [ˈprɪstiːn]  美 [ˈprɪstiːn] adj. 干净的;未开发的,原始的
2. apocalypse英 [əˈpɒkəlɪps]  美 [əˈpɑːkəlɪps] n. 启示;天启;大灾难
3. ride out安全渡过,经受得住 4. jurisdiction  司法管辖区,行政管辖区拓展:jurisdiction英 [ˌdʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃn]  美 [ˌdʒʊrɪsˈdɪkʃn] n. 司法权,审判权,管辖权;权限,权力
5. confirmed英 [kənˈfɜːmd]  美 [kənˈfɜːrmd] adj. 坚定的,根深蒂固的;确认的v. 确证;使坚定;批准(confirm 的过去式和过去分词)
6. berthing英 [bɜːθɪŋ]  美 [bɝθ] n. 停泊;泊位v. 停泊(berth现在分词)
7. throw up  匆匆建造
8. seal off  封闭;把…封锁起来
9. devastating英 [ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ]  美 [ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ] adj. 毁灭性的;全然的v. 摧毁(devastate的ing形式);毁坏
10. full-blown英 [ˌfʊl ˈbləʊn]  美 [ˌfʊl ˈbloʊn] adj. 全面的,完全成熟的;
full-blown depression 全面萧条
11. fiscal英 [ˈfɪskl]  美 [ˈfɪskl] adj. 会计的,财政的
12. revenue英 [ˈrevənjuː]  美 [ˈrevənuː] n. 税收收入;财政收入;收益
辨析:avenue英 [ˈævənjuː]  美 [ˈævənuː] n. 大街;林荫大道
13. unequivocal英 [ˌʌnɪˈkwɪvəkl]  美 [ˌʌnɪˈkwɪvəkl] adj. 明确的;不含糊的
14. collapse英 [kəˈlæps]  美 [kəˈlæps] v. 倒塌;;崩溃;(货币)贬值n. 崩溃;倒塌;(货币)暴跌
15. facility英 [fəˈsɪləti]  美 [fəˈsɪləti] n. 设施;设备
16. at bay  陷入困境
17. set up  v. 建立;装配
18. populous英 [ˈpɒpjələs]  美 [ˈpɑːpjələs] adj. 人口稠密的;人口多的
19. porous英 [ˈpɔːrəs]  美 [ˈpɔːrəs] adj. 多孔渗水的;能渗透的
20. sea-lane  海道,航道
21. seafarer英 [ˈsiːfeərə(r)]  美 [ˈsiːferər] n. 船员;航海家
22. vector英 [ˈvɛktə]  美 [ˈvɛktə] n. 航线;带菌者
23. atoll英 [ˈætɒl]  美 [ˈætɔːl] n. [海洋] 环礁,[地理] 环状珊瑚岛


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