背景知识 2021年8月24日,史蒂夫·乔布斯辞去了他所建立的公司的首席执行官职务,并正式任命蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)为苹果公司的新任负责人。两个月后,史蒂夫·乔布斯逝世,苹果公司的未来完全落在了库克的肩上。在这十年中,苹果从iPhone 4S即将迭代到iPhone 13,市值也增长到2.46万亿美元,成为全球市值第一的公司。回望库克治下的苹果公司这十年:不难发现,苹果公司在产品功能创新上依旧准确把握了用户需求,并在与竞争对手的产品竞争中维持着引领优势。苹果公司不仅实现了稳步发展,而且市场表现更是处于一骑绝尘的状态,市场与生态掌控力更是到达了前所未有的高度——营收、利润屡创新高,市值接连突破,开创TWS无线耳机市场,将隐私深深植入苹果公司与产品的基因之中、用M1芯片替换英特尔处理器、自研调制调解器等皆为例证。可以说,库克十分出色地履行了自己的使命,并将苹果这家公司带向了从未有人触及过的市场高度——市值接连突破1万亿美元、2万亿美元,时至今日的接近2.5万亿美元。
正文阅读 Tim Cook has to adapt to a new age of tech and globalization 蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)必须适应科技和全球化的新时代
When talking about Apple, it is hard to avoid superlatives. It is the world’s most valuable firm, with a market value of $2.5trn. Over 80% of that has been amassed during the tenure of Tim Cook. No other chief executive has created more absolute value for shareholders. As he celebrates his tenth anniversary at the helm this week, he can look back with satisfaction. Instead of trying to imitate Apple’s co-founder, he took Steve Jobs’s creation and made it better and bigger. Much of that success has come from maintaining Apple’s record of innovation and its brand.
But Mr Cook has also made the most of an era of open, globalised capitalism that is fading away. He plans to stay in charge for five years or more. How he deals with the new environment will form the next epic chapter in Apple’s story. Even by the standards of other tech giants, Apple is unusual. It is older (established in 1977); it mainly sells hardware; it is controlled by investors not founders; and it is more global, with a higher share of sales outside its home market than Alphabet, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Alibaba or Tencent.
Under Mr Cook’s supervision, it has exploited four trends. One is global supply chains: it has built an immense production network with China at the centre and components coming from around the world. This machine is being cranked up ahead of the launch of the new iPhone 13 next month, with unit sales of some 90m expected.
在库克的监督下,该公司利用了四个趋势。其一是全球供应链:它建立了一个以中国为中心、零部件来自世界各地的巨大生产网络。在下月新iPhone 13发布之前,这台机器正在启动,预计单位销量将达到9000万部左右。
adapt to 适应; superlative /suːˈpɜːrlətɪv/ n.最高级;最高程度;夸大话;
trillion /ˈtrɪljən/ n.万亿;
amass /əˈmæs/ vt.积累;
tenure /ˈtenjər/ n.任期;
absolute value 绝对价值;
helm /helm/ n.领导地位;
instead of 作为…的替代;
imitate /ˈɪmɪteɪt/ vt.效仿;模仿;
innovation /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn/ n.创新,革新;
make the most of 充分利用;
era /ˈerə/ n.时代;
fade away 消失;
stay in charge 掌权;
epic /ˈepɪk/ adj.史诗般的;
by the standards of 按…的标准;
supervision /ˌsuːpərˈvɪʒn/ n.监管;
exploit /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ vt.开发;开拓;拓展;
trend /trend/ n.趋势;走势;
immense /ɪˈmens/ adj.巨大的;
component /kəmˈpoʊnənt/ n.零件;
crank up 启动;
素材来源 文本选自:The Economist(经济学人) 作者:Unknown 原文发布时间:29 Aug. 2021
每日美句 The whole of life already framed right there. 浮生一切,早已入画。
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