
外刊阅读 | 新冠病毒影响美国人口普查

子曰汉硕刘老师 发表于 2021-8-17 17:54:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
When the 2020 United States census, scheduled for April 1st, was planned, the areas of most concern were mapped. They include places like Deep East Texas, an area of 10,000 square miles north-east of Houston with a population of roughly 385,000 people. “We are a totally rural region,” says Lonnie Hunt, the director of the Deep East Texas Council of Governments (DETCOG), an intergovernmental agency. “We have economically distressed people, rural people, senior citizens, minorities—we check box after box after box.” In large parts of the region most people do not have internet access. Many live in places only accessible with four-wheel drives.


Counting everybody in Deep East Texas was never going to be easy. Now it looks like it may be near impossible. “The coronavirus has certainly complicated matters,” says Mr Hunt. To help ensure an accurate count, DETCOG had hired a dozen census co-ordinators to go out to community events—sports matches, church services, school sports days—with information to persuade people to send their returns in, and internet hotspots and iPads with which to do it on the spot. Most of those events are now being cancelled. With people staying indoors, they probably will not encounter any of the workers meant to explain to them the importance of the census and get them to fill it in.


The virus may represent the biggest threat to the United States census in its 230-year history. Mandated by the constitution, it is the world’s most expensive and among the world’s oldest consistent data-gathering operations. The results determine how many congressional seats and electoral-college votes are allocated to each state, and where those districts are. Roughly $1.5trn of federal money each year is spent according to data derived at least in part from census returns. It is not just the government that uses it. Firms use it to decide where to build supermarkets, target advertising or open factories. “Every nook and cranny of the private economy relies on census data,” says Andrew Reamer of George Washington University.



1.  census
英 [ˈsensəs]  美 [ˈsensəs]
n. 人口普查,人口调查
vt. 实施统计调查

2. mapped
v. 计划,绘制...的地图

3. distressed
英 [dɪˈstrest]  美 [dɪˈstrest]
adj. 痛苦的;忧虑的;贫困的;受损的
v. 使痛苦;使紧张;使困苦

4. minority
英 [maɪˈnɒrəti]  美 [maɪˈnɔːrəti]
n. 少数民族;

5. internet hotspots
n. 互联网热点

6. mandate
英 [ˈmændeɪt]  美 [ˈmændeɪt]
n. 授权;命令,指令;委托管理;受命进行的工作
vt. 授权;托管


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