
标题: 每日外刊 | 美国真的会陷入第二场内战吗? [打印本页]

作者: 子曰汉硕刘老师    时间: 2022-1-22 16:18
标题: 每日外刊 | 美国真的会陷入第二场内战吗?
本帖最后由 子曰汉硕刘老师 于 2022-1-22 16:19 编辑


南北战争(American Civil War,即美国内战),是美国历史上一场规模最大的内战,参战双方为北方美利坚合众国和南方的美利坚联盟国。战争以南方联盟炮击萨姆特要塞为起点,最终以北方联邦胜利告终。战争之初,北方为了维护国家统一而战,后来演变为一场消灭奴隶制的革命战争。南北战争是工业革命后的第一次大规模战争,在此期间确立了战术、战略思想、战地医疗等现代战争的标准。参战的350万人中绝大多数为志愿兵。战争造成75万名士兵死亡,40万名士兵伤残,相关协会估计阵亡人数可能更多,不明数量的平民也遭到波及。南北战争给当时的欧洲观察家留下了深刻印象。列宁认为,南北战争具有“极伟大的、世界历史性的、进步的和革命的意义”。


Is the US really heading for a second civil war?


Joe Biden had spent a year in the hope that America could go back to normal. But last Thursday, the first anniversary of the deadly insurrection at the US Capitol, the president finally recognised the full scale of the current threat to American democracy. “At this moment, we must decide,” Biden said in Statuary Hall, where rioters had swarmed a year earlier. “What kind of nation are we going to be? Are we going to be a nation that accepts political violence as a norm?”


It is a question that many inside America and beyond are now asking. In a deeply divided society, where even a national tragedy such as 6 January only pushed people further apart, there is fear that that day was the just the beginning of a wave of unrest, conflict and domestic terrorism. A slew of recent opinion polls show a significant minority of Americans at ease with the idea of violence against the government. Even talk of a second American civil war has gone from fringe fantasy to media mainstream.


“Is a Civil War ahead?” was the blunt headline of a New Yorker magazine article this week. “Are We Really Facing a Second Civil War?” posed the headline of a column in Friday’s New York Times. Three retired US generals wrote a recent Washington Post column warning that another coup attempt “could lead to civil war”. The mere fact that such notions are entering the public domain shows the once unthinkable has become thinkable, even though some would argue it remains firmly improbable.

“即将爆发内战吗?”这是本周《纽约客》杂志一篇文章的直截了当的标题。“我们真的面临第二次内战吗?”登上了周五《纽约时报》一篇专栏的头条。三名退休的美国将军最近在《华盛顿邮报》 (Washington Post)的一篇专栏文章中警告称,另一次政变企图“可能导致内战”。这些观念正在进入公共领域,这一事实本身就表明,曾经不可想象的事情已经变得可以想象,尽管有些人会认为这仍然是绝对不可能的。


文本选自:The Guardian(卫报)
作者:David Smith
原文发布时间:9 Jan. 2022

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