
标题: 每日外刊 | 欧盟的环保规则在应对气候变化方面收效甚微 [打印本页]

作者: 子曰汉硕刘老师    时间: 2022-1-22 16:06
标题: 每日外刊 | 欧盟的环保规则在应对气候变化方面收效甚微



The EU’s green rules will do too little to tackle climate change


Investors’ enthusiasm for financing the green transition is growing—just look at the surge of interest in the electric-car industry. Tesla’s shares rose by 50% in 2021; those of CATL, China’s battery giant, rose by 68%. Yet if you look more closely, you will find huge problems. If the world is to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, investment will need to more than double, to $5trn a year. And fund management is rife with “green-washing”. Sustainability-rating schemes have proliferated but are wildly inconsistent, while many funds mislead investors about their green credentials.

投资者对资助绿色转型的热情正在增长——看看人们对电动汽车行业的兴趣就知道了。2021年,特斯拉的股价上涨了50%; 而中国电池巨头宁德时代则增长了68%。然而,如果你仔细观察,你会发现巨大的问题。如果世界要在2050年达到净零排放,投资将至少需要翻倍,达到每年5万亿美元。基金管理领域充斥着“绿色清洗”。可持续发展评级计划激增,但却极不一致,同时许多基金在其绿色资质上误导投资者。

To the rescue has come the European Union, which has devised a new labelling system, or taxonomy, that sorts the economy into activities it deems environmentally sustainable, from the installation of heat pumps to the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge. The idea is that funds and firms will use this to disclose what share of their activities qualify as green, and that clarity will help unleash a flood of capital from markets. The proposals have been in the works for years, and on December 31st the European Commission circulated its latest thinking.


Countries have different energy sources, so the exercise was bound to be political. Still, the classification looks sensible. Labelling nuclear energy as green—subject to conditions including the safe disposal of toxic waste—has been met by howls from the Green party in Germany.



文本选自:The Economist(经济学人)
原文发布时间:9 Jan. 2022

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