
标题: 每日外刊 | 意大利男子戴着假臂试图躲避新冠疫苗 [打印本页]

作者: 子曰汉硕刘老师    时间: 2021-12-21 14:35
标题: 每日外刊 | 意大利男子戴着假臂试图躲避新冠疫苗
本帖最后由 子曰汉硕刘老师 于 2021-12-21 14:36 编辑


据外媒报道,一名意大利男子试图利用戴“假手臂”接种新冠疫苗,从而骗取通行证,结果被一眼识破,目前正面临欺诈指控。据悉,此事发生在意大利西北部皮埃蒙特区城市比耶拉镇,一名50多岁的男子不想打疫苗,又想拿到通行证,就戴着一个覆盖手臂的硅胶模具,前去接种。为他接种疫苗的护士是菲利帕·布阿(Filippa Bua),最初并没有注意到任何异常,因为硅胶看起来与皮肤十分相似,但在仔细观察并触摸手臂后,发现皮肤“像橡胶”、“很冰冷”,而且颜色“太淡”,于是要求男子脱下衬衫。被发现后,这名男子试图让护士“睁一只眼闭一只眼”,但护士可不吃这一套,立刻报警。报道称,这名男子是一名反疫苗者,曾是一名卫生工作者,此前因未接种疫苗而被停职。调查发现,事发前推特上曾有人贴出一套配有假手臂和颈部的硅胶男性胸部半身套装,售价488欧元,还询问用这个能不能避免针头接触到真正的手臂。据报道,目前已有超过73%的意大利人完全接种了新冠疫苗,这一比例高于法国和英国,但低于西班牙和葡萄牙。


Italian man tries to dodge Covid vaccine wearing fake arm


So determined was he to dodge the jab but still obtain a health pass, the anti-vaxxer may have paid hundreds of euros for the silicone prosthetic. The bizarre episode at a vaccine hub in Biella, a town close to Turin in the northern Piedmont region, came a week after Italy announced measures barring unvaccinated people from a host of social, cultural and sporting activities.


After completing the bureaucratic formalities, including signing a consent form in front of a doctor, the man, aged 50, sat down and lifted up the sleeve of his shirt as he prepared for a health worker to administer the jab. Initially, the health worker did not notice anything odd, as the silicone looked similar to skin. But after taking a closer look and touching the arm, the medic asked the man to take off his shirt. His plan foiled, the man, who has not been named, then tried to persuade the health worker to turn a blind eye.


“I felt offended as a professional,” Filippa Bua told La Repubblica. “The colour of the arm made me suspicious and so I asked the man to uncover the rest of his left arm. It was well made but it wasn’t the same colour.” The man said to her: “Would you have imagined that I’d have such a physique?” She told La Stampa she could not see the man’s veins: “At first I thought I made a mistake, that it was a patient with an artificial arm.”



文本选自:The Guardian(卫报)
作者:Angela Giuffrida
原文发布时间:4 Dec. 2021

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