
标题: 每日外刊 | 什么是“死亡地带”,为什么有些美国人住在那里? [打印本页]

作者: 子曰汉硕刘老师    时间: 2021-12-20 11:56
标题: 每日外刊 | 什么是“死亡地带”,为什么有些美国人住在那里?

在美国,有这样一个地带,这里非常繁华又非常危险恐怖,造成这一切的不是因为恶劣的气候或凶猛的野兽,也不是因为枪击和犯罪,而是因为人类的贪欲,这就是美国路易斯安那州的“癌症带”。在这里的社区,几乎每个家庭都有成员受到癌症的折磨,根据美国疾控中心公布的数据,2015年路易斯安那州癌症死亡率位列全美第五,该州每10万人中有477.5 人患癌症,高于全美平均水平。过去40年、特别是近20年河两岸的社区癌症病例增加,整个地区被美国媒体和健康问题专家称为“癌症带”。为何这里会出现“癌症带”?源头是严重的环境污染——来自人类文明的象征之一:石化工业。事实上,路易斯安那的“癌症带”也是著名的“石油化工走廊”,这条石化走廊繁华无比,河两岸密集分布着数百家化工和油气企业,车行驶在公路上,看到的是两边望不见尽头的铁丝网和一排排化工厂的厂房和储油罐。这些工厂肆无忌惮的排放着各种有毒有害的废弃物,污染着空气,水和土壤。美国环境保护署于2015年公布了一份全美有毒空气评估报告,其中癌症风险最高的6个测试点全在路易斯安那州。根据环保署的测量,工厂附近地区的有害气体浓度高于环保署规定的标准几十倍。这些工厂的污染问题使得周围居民的患癌风险高出美国其他地区数百倍。


What are ‘sacrifice zones’ and why do some Americans live in them?

How do you calculate the price of a human life? What about 256,000 human lives? Around a quarter of a million Americans are living in parts of the United States where rates of cancer caused by air pollution exceed the US government’s own limit of “acceptable risk.” Environmental experts have a chilling name for these sites: Sacrifice zones. Residents of these communities die of cancer and other illnesses more often, and earlier, than people sometimes just a couple miles away. Many of them may not know this.


The Environmental Protection Agency does know – and allows it to happen. In other words, a government agency that is supposed to protect Americans has effectively condemned thousands of them to death. We know about this moral scandal in part thanks to research and reporting by ProPublica. Last week, the investigative news outlet published a detailed map of US sacrifice zones. Many are in the Texas and Louisiana petrochemical corridor sometimes called Cancer Alley. But others are in communities as far-flung as Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee.


Millions of Americans no doubt go about their daily lives under the belief that, if nothing else, their government should protect them – and is protecting them – from cancer-causing industrial pollutants. Unfortunately, they’re in for a disturbing wake-up call.



文本选自:The Guardian
作者:Adrienne Matei
原文发布时间:16 Nov. 2021

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