
标题: 每日外刊 |亿万富翁太空竞赛只是一种名义上的竞赛 [打印本页]

作者: 子曰汉硕刘老师    时间: 2021-11-17 14:19
标题: 每日外刊 |亿万富翁太空竞赛只是一种名义上的竞赛
自2010年以来,太空经济规模已经增长超过70% 。根据太空基金(Space Foundation)发布的一份报告显示,尽管受到了冠状病毒的影响,但是2019年全球太空经济持续增长,达到了4238亿美元。这其中,商业化太空收入占总太空活动的79%。据美国银行(Bank of America)估计,到2030年商业太空市场将达到1.4万亿美元。这意味着以往由政府主导的航天活动,今后将更多地被私营企业替代。提到航天界的私营企业,很多人就只知道马斯克的SpaceX,一方面是马斯克本人的名人效应,比如宣称在2050年之前实现火星移民。一方面则是其自身的技术,比如开创了可以重复使用的推进火箭等。但是盯上商业太空领域的亿万富翁可不止马斯克一个,比如前段时间被他挤下世界首富宝座的贝索斯,从亚马逊退休后也声称会将更多精力放到自己创立的航天公司“蓝色起源(Blue Origin)”上。

The billionaire space race is only a race by name

There is more innovation happening in the commercial space sector today than at any time in history and the launch services sector is particularly competitive. Relativity Space is building the world’s first 3D-printed rocket and plans to build rockets on Mars with robots. Virgin Orbit is putting satellites into orbit by launching a rocket from beneath the wing of a jumbo jet. Its sister company, Virgin Galactic, is flying people to the edge of space from an air-launched space plane. RocketLab has developed the first rocket engine fed with an electric pump and is trying to catch it out of the air with a net connected to a helicopter.

And then there’s Blue Origin, which dominated world headlines for days this week with its launch of the Star Trek actor William Shatner – briefly – into space. If there were any rocket company expected to be at a comparable level of technological achievement to SpaceX, it is Blue Origin. The company was founded by the former Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos in 2000, just two years before SpaceX set up shop in California.

In 2015, Blue Origin became the first company to send a rocket above the Kármán Line, the internationally recognized boundary of space, and land it again. While this is not as challenging as bringing a rocket back from orbit – as Musk has taunted Bezos in the past – it was still a major milestone in the history of private space exploration. And unlike Musk, Bezos actually knows what it’s like to ride on his own rocket.


文本选自:The Guardian(卫报)
作者:Daniel Oberhaus
原文发布时间:17 Oct. 2021

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