How an 18th-century French abbot still sways the EU
The “Project for Bringing About Perpetual Peace in Europe” did not receive rave reviews when published in 1713. Voltaire thought the author, the Abbot of Saint-Pierre, was deluded. “The peace…will no more be realised than among elephants, rhinoceroses, wolves, or dogs,” he wrote. Showing less understanding of nature than of politics, he added: “Carnivorous animals will always tear one another to pieces at the first opportunity.”
《争取欧洲永久和平方案》在1713年发表时并没有得到高度评价。伏尔泰认为作者圣皮埃尔神父,没有分清事实真相。因为他在文中写道:“欧洲和平的实现不会比大象、犀牛、狼或狗之间的和平共处简单。”他还说:“食肉动物只要一有机会就相互伤害, ”这表明他对自然法则的理解还不如对政治问题的理解。
Over the years, European intellectuals queued up to give the work a kicking. Immanuel Kant poked holes in it. Rousseau labelled it naive. Frederick II of Prussia declared the plan “very practicable: all it lacks to be successful is the consent of all Europe and a few other such small details.” Yet skip forward three centuries and the plan is, more or less, in place as the European Union.
To understand the eu today, one could usefully turn to the works of the abbot, now largely forgotten outside academia. Glance between Saint-Pierre’s 18th-century blueprint and the eu as it stands, and they are strikingly similar. In both cases, European countries agree to club together, submit themselves to the rulings of a court and devise rules by means of a continental parliament. Both have a rotating presidency. Contributions to the budget are based on wealth. Saint-Pierre even called his scheme a “European union”. Only Saint-Pierre’s inclusion of long-defunct countries such as Venice and Savoy gives the game away.