
标题: 外刊阅读| 法国爆发 25 年来最严重罢工 [打印本页]

作者: 子曰汉硕刘老师    时间: 2021-8-19 10:56
标题: 外刊阅读| 法国爆发 25 年来最严重罢工
本帖最后由 子曰汉硕刘老师 于 2021-8-19 10:57 编辑

2019 年 12 月 30 日
地铁瘫痪,火车停摆,法国爆发 25 年来最严重罢工

Macron waivespresidential pensionamid Christmas strike chaos

Emmanuel Macron is to give up his own generous presidential pension in an attempt to calm anger over politicians' privileges, as French transport strikes caused chaos for Christmas travellers.


With rail strikes continuing into their third week and travellers scrambling to get to home for the holidays, Macron, who turned 42this weekend, made the symbolic move to become the first president in more than 50 years to give up the automatic pension of more than €6,000 a month that all French leaders receive after leaving office, regardless of age or wealth.

法国的铁路大罢工已进入第三周,旅客们正排除万难,回家过节,本周末刚满 42 岁的马克龙做出了一个具有象征性的举动:他成为 50 多年来首位放弃养老金的总统。法国领导人在卸任后,无论离任时年龄多大,拥有的财富有多少,都能自动享受每月逾 6000 欧元的养老金。

Macron's office added that he would not take his seat in France's constitutional court, where former presidents are members for life and receive a monthly allowance of €13,500.

马克龙办公室补充道,(退休后)他不会在法国宪法法院就职,法国前总统们都是宪法法院的终身会员,每个月可领取 1.35 万欧元的津贴。
Le Parisien newspaper hailed Macron's decision to forfeit his presidential pension as "breaking with a dusty tradition of republican monarchy".


Despite the strikes, the government insists it will plough ahead to unify the

French pensions system, arguing that getting rid of the 42 special regimes for sectors ranging from rail and energy workers to lawyers and Paris Opera staff is crucial to keep the system financially viable as the population ages.

尽管大罢工爆发,法国政府仍坚称,他们决心统一法国的养老金体系,他们指出,随着法国人口老龄化加剧,取消现行养老体系中的 42 项特殊制度,将对养老金体系在财政方面顺畅运行起到关键作用。这 42 项制度的受益对象涵盖了铁路工作人员、能源工作人员、律师以及巴黎歌剧院的工作人员等。

Macron urged the strikers to ease up for Christmas, saying they should
embrace a "spirit of responsibility". On a visit to Ivory Coast, he said:"Strikeaction is justifiable and protected by the constitution, but I think there are moments in a nation's life when it is good to observe a truce out of respect for families and family life."



v. 放弃(权利);不遵守(规则);不强制执行
例句:He waived his right to appeal.
n. 养老金;退休金;抚恤金
搭配短语:draw/receive the pension
例句:We can draw/receive our pensions when we turn 60.
v. 艰难行走,爬,攀登;争夺,抢夺;炒
搭配短语:to scramble the eggs(炒鸡蛋)
例句:Tourists were scrambling up the Mount Tai to see the sunrise.(爬,攀登)
例句:Thousands of people scrambled for the concert tickets.(争夺,抢夺)
adj. 必然的,自动的
搭配短语:automatic doors
例句:Citizenship is automatic for children born in the United States.
n. 定期补贴,津贴;限额
相关词汇:allow(v. 允许)
搭配短语:a baggage allowance of 23 kilograms
搭配短语:travel allowance
搭配短语:monthly allowance from my parents
v. 赞扬(或称颂)
搭配短语:hail…as/be hailed…as
例句:The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was hailed as a great success.
例句:All hail the king!
英文释义:lose or give up sth. as a necessary consequence of sth. else
例句:I forfeit one hour of sleep every morning just so I can get up and catch the subway.
plough ahead
相关词汇:plough(v. 犁)
例句:The boss ploughed ahead with 996 policy.
n. 组织方法;管理体制;政权
搭配短语:fascist regime
英文释义:a method or system of organizing or managing sth.
adj. 可以实施的;可望成功的
搭配短语:a viable solution
搭配短语:politically viable
ease up
例句:Relax and ease up a little.
例句:The rain was easing up.
v. 欣然接受;乐意采纳;拥抱
搭配短语:an idea that I embrace
adj. 无可非议的,有充分理由的
相关词汇:justify(v. 证明……是正确的)
搭配短语:a justifiable reason
搭配短语:justifiable anger
n. 讲和(协议);休战,停战(协定)
例句:Japan broke the truce.
例句:Can we call a truce?


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