
标题: 每日外刊 |各大城市整治无家可归的人,随着帐篷群激增 [打印本页]

作者: 子曰汉硕刘老师    时间: 2021-8-5 15:20
标题: 每日外刊 |各大城市整治无家可归的人,随着帐篷群激增
本帖最后由 子曰汉硕刘老师 于 2021-8-5 15:22 编辑


根据《洛杉矶时报》的数据,洛杉矶目前共有近5.8万名无家可归者,无家可归者数量全国名列榜首,是纽约无家可归者数量的五倍。无家可归人群在街头的“居所”——帐篷、临时窝棚、汽车等有将近1万处,总数量暴涨85% 。包括贫民街在内的市中心地区成为流浪人口聚居率最高的地区,在洛杉矶周边的威尼斯区、圣莫妮卡、好莱坞等地也随处可见流浪者。其中,18到24岁的年轻人在无家可归者中增长最为迅速,去年一年增长64%,无家可归青年数量达到6000人之多,其中很多是在读大学生。贫富差距扩大,洛杉矶无家可归者激增。随着经济发展,全世界富人聚焦这一梦幻之城,租房市场有钱人越来越多,房价房租飙升。目前,超过两百万的洛杉矶家庭都将超过30%的总收入用于租房。房地产引发的资本游戏里,富者愈富,穷者愈穷,中产阶级慢慢消失,城市住房成本增速远高于平民收入增长速度,越来越多人因为经济困难不得不选择露宿街头,原本贫民聚居区的中产化把无家可归者打散,切断彼此的联系。


Cities grapple with homelessness, as tent clusters proliferate


It is nearly noon, and a Los Angeles sanitation crew is wrapping up dismantling the home of Jack Rivers. A yellow-vested worker rakes the narrow strip of dirt where the veteran’s tarp-covered dwelling once stood – part of a highly controversial homeless encampment of about 200 people jammed along the iconic boardwalk at Venice Beach.


All morning, Mr. Rivers has been sorting his mounds of belongings, his head wrapped in a T-shirt to protect him from the sun. With a small crowd looking on, he flings a sweatshirt, pants, rolls of toilet paper, and a flurry of blue face masks toward a shopping cart. He rolls a round tabletop out of his way and heaves a bicycle frame. The sanitation workers have already tossed carpets, a nylon awning, and boards into the maw of a nearby garbage truck. They use grabbers to pick up hazardous waste such as needles. From time to time, a mouse or rat makes a quick getaway as items are moved.


This is a voluntary clearing – an exercise in patience that some describe as a more humane approach than a one-time sweep by law enforcement. There’s no hard data, but experts and advocates agree that encampments like this one have grown in size and number in cities across the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic forced shelters to reduce occupancy, and while thousands of unhoused people were moved into hotels and motels, many others lost homes and were simply displaced.



文本选自:The Christian Science Monitor(基督教科学箴言报)
作者:Francine Kiefer
原文发布时间:21 July 2021

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